
  • classiii ha inviato un aggiornamento 3 anni, 3 mesi fa

    A Henan Huibo Medical Co., Ltd. (c贸digo de estoque: 838460) foi fundada em 2004 com um capital social de 60 milh玫es de yuans. A empresa ocupa uma 谩rea de 65 acres, fica em p茅 no tratamento m茅dico amplo e serve a sa煤de ampla com curativos m茅dicos e equipamentos inteligentes de reabilita莽茫o como o principal neg贸cio, vinculando v谩rios setores, com…[Leggi tutto]

  • classiii ha inviato un aggiornamento 3 anni, 3 mesi fa

    鐝惧湪浼氱ぞ銇伅寰撴キ鍝?91浜恒€?0%銇ぇ鍗掍互涓娿伄瀛︽(銇濄伄銇嗐仭澶у…[Leggi tutto]

  • classiii ha inviato un aggiornamento 3 anni, 3 mesi fa

    Masque de protection m茅dical
    Emballage ind茅pendant
    Protection efficace de la couche de filtre
    L’efficacit茅 de filtration est sup茅rieur ou 茅gal 脿 95%
    De l’ext茅rieur 脿 l’int茅rieur sont: tissu non-tiss茅 + coton sans colle + tissu fondu souffl茅+ tissu fondu souffl茅 + tissu non-tiss茅
    Conception tridimensionnelle
    Avec une bande de faisceau de nez
    Normes…[Leggi tutto]

  • classiii ha inviato un aggiornamento 3 anni, 3 mesi fa

    La Compa帽铆a Huibo Medical de Henan (c贸digo de acciones: 838460) se estableci贸 en 2004 con un capital registrado de 60 millones de yuanes, cubriendo un 谩rea de 65 acres, basado en atenci贸n m茅dica importante, que presta servicios de salud importantes y se centra en vendajes m茅dicos y equipos inteligentes de rehabilitaci贸n. Tiene v铆nculos de m煤lti…[Leggi tutto]

  • classiii ha inviato un aggiornamento 3 anni, 3 mesi fa

    Shanghai Yiying Crane Machinery Co., Ltd has been focusing on research, development, design, production and service of various hoists. Nowadays, it is one of the Largest and Ieading hoist manufacturers in China rank in the China with “HUGO” brand.
    We focus on Chain Hoists, Electric Hoists, chain, Forklift and other lifting products for more than…[Leggi tutto]

  • classiii ha inviato un aggiornamento 3 anni, 3 mesi fa

    Product Description
    409, 410 are high-strength stainless steel, (including chromium) however, the temperature resistance is generally only about 500-750. This sort of steel has the cheapest chromium content of stainless steels and is cheap, making it ideal for use in environments where there isn’t any slight or rust corrosion and partial slight…[Leggi tutto]

  • classiii ha inviato un aggiornamento 3 anni, 3 mesi fa

    鈽匫ur History
    Pengyu Technology Group Jiangsu Huaijiang Technology Co., Ltd is located at No. 22, Shilian Road, Suhuai High-tech Zone, beautiful Huai ‘an city. Founded in 2014, the company covers an area of 300,000 square meters, with a registered capital of 200 million yuan and fixed assets of 800 million yuan. With superior geographical loc…[Leggi tutto]

  • classiii è diventato un membro registrato 3 anni, 3 mesi fa